نبذة مختصرة : In this study, the Supervisory Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ) was adapted into Turkish, and its psychometric properties were tested. Following the translation of the scale into Turkish, SSQ was administered to a sample of 318 supervisees who successfully completed Individual Counseling Practicum Course either in undergraduate or graduate Counseling Programs in Turkey. In this research, construct validity, criterion-related validity as well as reliability of the SSQ was tested. The confirmatory factor analysis results suggested that the unidimensional original factor structure of the SSQ was confirmed in the target population. The significant correlation coefficients detected between the SSQ, and criterion-related measures indicated that the SSQ has a criterion-related validity. The Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s Omega coefficient indicated that the SSQ has a high level of reliability in target population. In conclusion, research results suggest that the SSQ is a psychometrically robust measure in Turkish context. Turkish version of the SSQ would be used as a brief, valid, and reliable instrument to assess supervision satisfaction. © 2023, Milli Egitim. All Rights Reserved.
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