نبذة مختصرة : The paper discusses the genesis and reception of socialist aestheticism in Serbian literature in the 1950s and 1960s. The creator of the term socialist aestheticism, who was a literary critic, essayist, prose writer and esthetician, Sveta Lukić, concluded that during the gradual democratization of the country, which ensued after the political split with the Soviet Union in 1948, Serbian literature was undergoing changes, and consequently the entire art as well, breaking free from the doctrinal and normative aesthetics of socialist realism. He saw the basic features of socialist aestheticism in a departure from the theory of reflection, expanding the thematic and formal frameworks of literature, in including the fantastic fiction, the essay form and poeticization in literary texts, as well as in moving away from political and declarative themes that were important features of previous literary practice. This brought about the change in the very function of literature, which having been freed from the dictates of daily politics, set out to put emphasis on its autonomy. Socialist aestheticism was accepted as a concept and as a distinct period in the development of Serbian literature in other arts as well, in painting, theater, film and architecture. Nevertheless, Sveta Lukić made a conclusion in his last paper dedicated to socialist aestheticism, that aestheticism emerged as a feature not only in the literature of the socialist countries, but also in other European literatures. This term was later interpreted by some other literary critics, among others, Predrag Palavestra, Aleksandar Ilić, Milan Radulović, Jovan Ljuštanović, who also concluded that socialist aestheticism had developed within the framework of renewed Serbian modernism. ; У раду се разматра генеза и рецепција социјалистичког естетизма у српској књижевности педесетих и шездесетих година прошлог века. Књижевни критичар и естетичар Света Лукић, творац појма социјалистички естетизам, закључио је да се током демократизације наше земље после политичког ...
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