نبذة مختصرة : In this paper we evaluated key forestry related topics in the journal Landscape Ecology in the period 1987-2021 using keyword analysis to highlight which forestry topics have been relevant for landscape ecologists from the inception of the IALE organisation until present. Our analysis has shown that forests have far too often been just a framework for research focusing on management interventions in the forest. The three key words with the highest frequencies were forest/wood fragmentation, forest management and forest(s). Until now, however, we have not made sufficient use of the opportunity to study the field of forest ecosystem functionning at the landscape level. Suggestions for future reserch are therefore given. ; V pričujočem prispevku smo ovrednotili ključne gozdarske teme v reviji Landscape Ecology v obdobju 1987–2021 z analizo ključnih besed, da bi poudarili, katere gozdarske teme so bile pomembne za krajinske ekologe od ustanovitve organizacije IALE do danes. Naša analiza je pokazala, da so bili gozdovi vse prevečkrat le okvir za raziskovanje gospodarskih posegov v gozd. Tri ključne besede z najvišjo frekvenco so bile fragmentacija gozda, gospodarjenje z gozdovi in gozd(ovi). Doslej še nismo dovolj izkoristili možnosti preučevanja področja delovanja gozdnih ekosistemov na krajinski ravni. Zato so podani predlogi za prihodnje raziskave.
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