نبذة مختصرة : The article addresses the pedagogical achievements of Jacek Woroniecki. Reference is made to his works, in which he made ethics and the moral aspect the basic manifestation of educational activity. Guided by a concern for the proper moral level of people in all manifestations of their lives, Woroniecki created a body of work and thinking from which we can draw, regardless of the current conditions. The reflections resulting from them, prompting the reader to build morally good relationships between educators and pupil, make the subjectivity of a human being the basic paradigm of education, which is so important and inalienable in today’s reality as well. The subject of this article is therefore the topicality of Woroniecki’s views in relation to the contemporary space of educational influence. It points to the very important aspect of the integrity of ethics and pedagogy, which the thinker raises to constitute a pillar of his pedagogy, or more precisely, of aretology, a synthesis of the humanism of Greek paideia and Christian pedagogy. A separate section is devoted to epistemological references to the idea of paedagogia perennis, pointing to the cognitive inseparability of philosophy and pedagogy and – in relation to pedagogical practice – of upbringing and education. Taking into consideration the need for contemporary educators to constantly search for new educational paths, to take sometimes difficult directions in their professional practice, Woroniecki’s classic thought in the world of relativized values may turn out to be “the path leading man to moral maturity.” Woroniecki’s achievements in this respect definitely have a great, timeless pedagogical value. ; W artykule zaprezentowano rozważania nad dorobkiem pedagogicznym Jacka Woronieckiego. Odwołano się do prac autora, w których etykę i aspekt moralny uczynił podstawowym przejawem szeroko rozumianej działalności edukacyjno-wychowawczej. Kierowany troską o właściwy poziom moralny człowieka we wszelkich przejawach jego życia, zbudował katalog refleksji i ...
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