نبذة مختصرة : Fig. 3. Calyptopsis spp., habitus and details of structure. A, B, C – C. escherichi Reitter, 1900, ♀ and labels (Eskişehir, HNHM); D – C. escherichi, mesoventrite; E – C. escherichi, ♁ (Niğde: Maden köy, ZIN); F – the same, ♀; G – C. lineimargo Reitter, 1897, lectotype and labels; H – C. solieri Reiche & Saulcy, 1857, ♁ (Şanlıurfa Province, Birecik); I – C. solieri, ♁ (Gaziantep Province, Şahinbey).
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