نبذة مختصرة : U životu suvremenog čovjeka hrana je jedan od najznačajnijih činitelja društvenog i socijalnog statusa, te zdravlja i načina života. Zbog velikog porasta kroničnih bolesti današnji se čovjek sve više orijentira ka zdravoj prehrani i prirodnim lijekovima u prevenciji različitih oboljenja. Upotrebljavamo li hranu u umjerenim količinama i raznoliko, ona nam je najbolje osiguranje otpornosti organizma prema bolestima. U ovom radu pripremljeni su fenolni ekstrakti borovnice (lat. Vaccinium). Fenolni ekstrakti korišteni su za određivanje antiproliferativne aktivnosti na stanice karcinoma mokraćnog mjehura (T24 i TCC SUP) te je MTT testom izmjerena njihova antiproliferativna aktivnost. Iz dobivenih rezultata vidljivo je da postoje razlike u antiproliferativnoj aktivnosti uzoraka u odnosu na koncentraciju (5 g/L i 2,5 g/L) i na period inkubacije (4 h, 24 h, 48 h i 72 h). Najbolju antiproliferativnu aktivnost fenolnih ekstrakata borovnice pokazao je liofilizirani uzorak pri 4 h inkubacije pri koncentraciji 2,5 g/L na staničnoj liniji T24 (8,83% živih stanica). ; In the life of a modern man, food is one of the most important factors of social and social status, and health and lifestyle. Due to the great increase in chronic diseases today, man is increasingly oriented towards healthy nutrition and natural medicines in the prevention of various diseases. If we use nutrients in moderate amounts and variety, it is the best way to ensure the resistance of the organism to disease. For this study were prepared phenolic extracts from blueberry (lat. Vaccinium). The phenolic extracts were used to determine the antiproliferative activity on bladder cancer cells (T24 and TCC SUP) and their antiproliferative activity was measured by the MTT test. From the results obtained, there are differences in antiproliferative activity of the samples compared to the concentration (5 g/L and 2.5 g/L) and incubation period (4 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h). The best antiproliferative activity of blueberry phenol extracts showed a lyophilized sample at 4 ...
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