نبذة مختصرة : In recent decades, researchers have been studying the various biological, psychological and social factors associated with ageing. Rapidly ageing population around the world pose challenges for health care, social services and public health. The challenge for scientists is to develop comprehensive, science-based guidelines for healthy ageing. The aim of this study was: To uncover the role of lifestyle in healthy ageing in people over 50. Objectives: to investigate the respondents' physical activity patterns, some of their individual health risk factors, morbidity patterns, social integration and self-actualization, and to explore the association of the study participants' healthy ageing-related lifestyle components. We used an instant online survey. Volunteers aged over 50 years completed the 22-question Healthy Ageing Quiz questionnaire with additional socio-demographic data. Responses were scored. A score of up to 15 was considered unfavorable for healthy ageing, 16-30 was considered partially favorable and over 31 favorable. The results showed that the mean scores for the individual lifestyle indicators were mostly different between the youngest and oldest age groups. The overall conclusion is that the healthiest way to age is through social connections and productive engagement, adequate physical activity, optimism and adaptation.
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