نبذة مختصرة : Western blot assays using polyclonal antibodies (Ab) against PilZ ( above ) and VirB8 ( below ). The first lane contains total extract from wild type X . citri strain containing the pUFR047-PilZ WT vector. The following lanes contain total extracts from X . citri Δ pilZ cells carrying the empty pUFR047 vector and the vector directing the expression of PilZ Wt , PilZ I10E , PilZ F49E , PilZ F49E/L51E, PilZ F49A/L51A , PilZ ΔM117 . The same amounts of total protein were loaded on the gel. Detection of the X . citri VirB8 protein (XAC2621) was used as a control. Experiments were repeated three times with similar results. (TIF)
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