نبذة مختصرة : This paper is about the telehealth in Brazil, addressing the main challenges to be faced with the treatment of data of those involved in the doctor-patient relationship, ranging from the collection to the disposal of sensitive data. Under the deductive method, the research will focus on the General Personal Data Protection Act (Law 13709/2018), which was inspired by the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 679/2016), and was edited to protect the misuse of personal data in the country, as well as laws and regulations edited during the pandemic on the use of telemedicine and the recent Law 14510/22, which finally authorizes the practice of telehealth throughout the country. In conclusion, by virtual means, access to the health of the Brazilian population was guaranteed in times of Covid-19, when social isolation measures prevailed due to the high risk of contagion, thus protecting doctors and patients. However, the use of telemedicine involves at least two extremely relevant fundamental rights: the right to health and the right to data protection. And for both to be observed, both for doctors and for patients, it is fundamental to improve the regulation and, in particular, the inspection of telemedicine practices in Brazil. ; El artículo trata sobre la adopción de la telesalud en Brasil, abordando los principales desafíos a ser enfrentados con el tratamiento de datos de los involucrados en la relación médico-paciente, que van desde la recolección hasta la disposición de datos sensibles. Bajo el método deductivo, la investigación se centrará en la Ley General de Protección de Datos Personales (13709/2018), inspirada en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos Europeo (679/2016), editada para proteger el uso de los datos personales, así como las leyes y reglamentos editados durante la pandemia sobre el uso de la telemedicina, y la reciente Ley 14510/22, que autoriza la práctica de la telesalud en todo el país. Em conclusión, se garantizó el acceso a la salud de la población brasileña en ...
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