نبذة مختصرة : According to the request from UBC SEEDS, Alpine Breeze Engineering Consulting Ltd. has redesigned Chancellor Boulevard in order to facilitate traffic flow and improve safety of all road users, while accommodating increasing demands due to population growth. Our design focuses on the specified project corridor, which starts from Acadia Road and runs eastwards to Drummond Road. This report introduces the finalized design option in details and provides comprehensive rationales together with drawings for clear demonstration of design components and structures. Our final planning consists of both changes on road geometry and construction of an additional road-crossing underpass for pedestrians and cyclists. The existing layout of 2 lanes per direction has been kept with lane widths adjusted to 3.5 meters. Bicycle lanes along roadsides are integrated together with pavements to form a shared walkway for both pedestrians and cyclists. Volume sensors will be used to activate the control of traffic signal at intersection of Hamber Road with Chancellor Boulevard. Some other improvements are adjustments on gradient in order to accelerate drainage, installation of flexible posts at turnings, increased number of traffic signs and special paintings on road for speed control, installation of cats eyes for better night vision, as well as planting of vegetation on median. Drawings illustrating details are attached in Appendix E. The additional underpass was designed to locate at the intersection of Hamber Road and Chancellor Boulevard to provide a safe and efficient option for road crossing, while at the same time minimizing the disturbance on traffic flow. Detailed design drawings are included in Appendix E with overviews for entrances, lifts, retaining structures, storage tanks and drainage pumps, lighting, and vandal-proof equipment. Construction is scheduled to commence on May 1st, 2018 and be completed on September 9th. The whole project construction could be divided into 5 zones, with an overall duration of 17 weeks. The ...
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