نبذة مختصرة : Research on accounting students' interest in a career to become a public accountant is one of the main things to do so that public accountants are in great demand by accounting student graduates. This research uses a quantitative approach. The population is students majoring in accounting in Batam City who are registered on the DIKTI website, learning year 2023/2024 with a total of 1,234 students. The results of the study through the t test, parental influence and personality variables partially did not have a significant effect on the interest of accounting students in becoming public accountants. Financial reward variable partially has a significant effect on the interest of accounting students in becoming public accountants. The results of the study based on the calculated F value on the three independent variables, namely parental influence, personality and financial rewards, simultaneously have a significant effect on the interest of accounting students in becoming public accountants. The Adjusted R Square result is 0.417 or 41.7%, means that the influence of parental influence, personality and financial rewards on the interest of accounting students is at a percentage of 41.7% and the rest is influenced by other variables as 58.3%. ; Penelitian mengenai minat mahasiswa akuntansi untuk berkarir untuk menjadi akuntan publik menjadi salah satu hal yang utama untuk di lakukan agar akuntan publik banyak diminati oleh lulusan mahasiswa akuntansi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi di Kota Batam yang tercatat pada website DIKTI, tahun pembelajaran 2023/2024 dengan jumlah mahasiswa 1.234. Hasil penelitian melalui uji t, variabel parental influence dan personalitas secara parsial tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa akuntansi menjadi akuntan publik. Variabel penghargaan finansial secara parsial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa akuntansi menjadi akuntan publik. Hasil penelitian ...
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