نبذة مختصرة : In this work, an adaptive dynamic surface control law for a type of strict-feedback fractional-order nonlinear system is proposed. The considered system contained input quantization and unknown external disturbances. The virtual control law is presented by utilizing a dynamic surface control approach at each step, where the nonlinear compensating term with the estimation of unknown bounded parameters is introduced to overcome the influence of unknown external disturbances and surface errors. Meanwhile, the adaptive laws of relevant parameters are also designed. In addition, an improved fractional-order nonlinear filter is developed to deal with the explosion of complexity raised by the recursive process. In the last step, an adaptive dynamic surface control law is proposed to ensure the convergence of tracking error, in which the Nussbaum gain function is applied to solve the problem of the unknown control gain generated by input quantization. Then, the fractional Lyapunov stability theory is applied to verify the stability of the proposed control law. Finally, simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law.
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