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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Pintur, Krunoslav
    • بيانات النشر:
      Veleučilište u Karlovcu. Odjel lovstva i zaštite prirode.
      Karlovac University of Applied Sciences. Department of Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation.
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Repository of Karlovac University of Applied Sciences
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Afrička svinjska kuge je virusna bolest divljih i domaćih svinja. Ova bolest se lako i brzo širi te može uzrokovati mortalitet i do 100%. Uzročnik afričke svinjske kuge je DNK virus koji pripada rodu Asfivirus i porodici Asfaviridae. Bolest se manifestira u obliku hemoragijske groznice, a lijek i cjepivo ne postoje. Prva pojava bolesti je zabilježena u Keniji 1910. godine, a u Europi, u Portugalu 1957. godine. Zbog svoje proširenosti i velikog radijusa kretanja, divlje svinje imaju važnu ulogu u širenju ovog virusa. Kako bi mogli pratiti i spriječiti daljnje širenje afričke svinjske kuge među divljim svinjama važno je ukoniti sve pronađene lešine i prikupljati podatke u lovištu. U Republici Hrvatskoj nema zabilježenih slučajeva pojave afričke svinjske kuge. Kako bi spriječili daljnje širenje ove bolesti iznimno je bitno educirati javnost o štetnim utjecajima afričke svinjske kuge i pridržavati se mjera biološke sigurnosti. ; African swine fever is a viral disease of wild and domestic pigs. It spreads easily, rapidly and mortality can reach up to 100%. The causative agent of african swine fever is DNA virus that belongs to the Asfivirus gene and Asfaviridae family. It manifests itself in the form of hemorrhagic fever and the cure and vaccine do not exist. It first appeared in Kenya in 1910. and in Europe in Porugal in 1957. Due to their prevalence and large radius of movement, wild boars have an important role in the spread of this virus. In order to be able to monitor and prevent the further spread of African swine fever among wild boars, it is important to remove all carcasses that are found and collect data in the hunting grounds. There are no noted cases of african swine fever in the Republic of Croatia. In order to prevent the further spread of this disease it is extremely important to educate the public about the harmful effects of african swine fever and to implement biosecurity measures.
    • File Description:
    • Relation:;;
    • الدخول الالكتروني :
    • Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    • الرقم المعرف: