نبذة مختصرة : Konzumacija morskih plodova prema svjetskim podacima veća je na obalnim područjima, iako tehnologija hlađenja svakodnevno poboljšava pristup morskoj hrani i kopnenim područjima. Upravo iz tog razloga istražena je ponuda morske hrane u maloprodaji sjevernoameričkog kopnenog grada Whitefish. Grad Whitefish je planinski grad u okrugu Flathead, sjeverozapadni dio države Montana, SAD koji ima oko 6 000 stanovnika. U predmetnom radu prvenstvo je prikazana ponuda morske hrane odnosno prerađevina istih koje su ponuđene u maloprodajnim lancima kopnenog manjeg grada u SAD-u. Izdvojeni su i prikazani najprodavaniji proizvodi od morskih organizama dok teorijski dio daje iscrpni pregled tehnika prerade i tehnike konzerviranja organizama iz morskih dubina. Prikazano je deklariranje morske hrane koje se razlikuju prvenstveno prema broju podataka na deklaracijama od deklaracija morske hrane proizvedene u EU. ; According to world data, seafood consumption is higher in coastal areas, although cooling technology improves access to seafood and land areas on a daily basis. This is the reason that the retail offer of seafood in the North American mainland town of Whitefish was explored. The city of Whitefish is a mountain town in Flathead County, northwestern Montana, USA and has about 6,000 residents. In this paper, the priority is presented in the offer of seafood, ie the same products that are offered in retail chains of the mainland small town in the USA. The best-selling products from marine organisms are singled out and presented, while the theoretical part gives a comprehensive overview of processing techniques and techniques for preserving organisms from the depths of the sea. Seafood declarations are presented, which differ primarily in the number of data on the declarations from the declarations of seafood produced in the EU.
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