نبذة مختصرة : The aim of the present study was to estimate the effects of the foliar application of fertilisers under stress conditions on the grain yield in two hybrids maize (ZP 580 and ZP 735). Studied hybrids belong to different maturity groups (ZP 580 - FAO 500 and ZP 735 - FAO 700). Both hybrids belong to a stay-green type and they can also serve as silage. Two foliar fertilisers were applied in experiment (Humikal univerzal and Ferticare I). Field trails were carried out under rainfed conditions at the location of Surduk during 2002 and 2003. The method of foliar application of fertilisers proved as an efficient tool for increasing the grain yield in both hybrids. However, Ferticare I is more effective than Humikal univerzal in maize. The hybrid ZP 735 was more productive in more favourable year (2002), while the hybrid ZP 580, with a shorter growing season, produced a higher grain yield in more arid year (2003). It was also observed that the foliar application of fertilisers contributed to the grain yield stability in the genotype ZP 580. . ; Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj folijarne ishrane u stresnim uslovima na prinos zrna dva hibrida kukuruza (ZP 580 i ZP 735). Ispitivani hibridi pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (ZP 580 - FAO 500 i ZP 735 - FAO 700). Hibridi su stay-green tipa, te su pogodni i za spremanje visokokvalitetne silaže. Za tretiranje su korišćena dva folijarna hraniva (humikal univerzal i ferticare I). Ogled je izveden u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima, na lokaciji Surduk, tokom 2002. i 2003. godine. Folijarna ishrana pokazala se kao uspešan metod za poboljšanje prinosa zrna kod oba hibrida kukuruza u obe godine istraživanja. Viši prinosi postignuti su primenom ferticare I nego primenom humikal univerzala. Hibrid ZP 735 ispoljio je veću produktivnost u povoljnijoj 2002. godini, dok je hibrid ZP 580, sa kraćim vegetacionim periodom, obrazovao viši prinos zrna u sušnoj 2003. godini. Folijarna ishrana doprinela je stabilnosti prinosa zrna hibrida ZP 580. .
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