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Social policies in the COVID-19 pandemic situation: the role of Social Work in the Costa Rican context. ; Políticas sociales en la coyuntura de pandemia por COVID-19: el rol del Trabajo Social en el contexto costarricense ; Políticas sociais na situação da pandemia COVID-19: o papel do Serviço Social no contexto costarriquenho

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa-Paraná: Portal de Periódicos da UEPG
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The text aims to demonstrate the emerging demands placed by theCOVID-19 pandemic in the response of the State, mentioning some strategiesused by professionals in Social Work in the Costa Rican social training, immersedin a situation of precariousness of the living conditions of the population sincethe structural crisis of capital and aggravated in the context of the pandemic.The article was made from the documentary research, using primary sourcesof information such as news, information from the professional associationof Social Work of Costa Rica and public documents with data on the subject.Based on the information collected and the analysis carried out, it is evidenthow the growing poverty and inequality experienced not only in Costa Rica,but throughout the Latin American region due to their condition as peripheralcountries, organically linked to a capitalist production system On a world scale, it has generated a detriment to the living conditions of the workingclass, especially poverty, employment, access to health and education. Suchconditions are exacerbated in the current context where social work as aprofession articulated inherently to mode of production through social policy and as a profession that directly addresses the manifestations of the socialquestion, has had to devise strategies of care in a context of dismantling ofsocial rights. ; El texto tiene como objetivo evidenciar las demandas emergentescolocadas por la pandemia de la COVID-19 en la respuesta del Estado. Además,mencionar algunas estrategias utilizadas por las personas profesionales entrabajo social en la formación social costarricense, inmersas en una coyunturade precarización de las condiciones de vida de la población desde la crisisestructural del capital y agravada en el contexto de la pandemia. Este textose realizó a partir de una pesquisa bibliográfica y documental, utilizandofuentes primarias de información como noticias de periódicos, información del Colegio Profesional de Trabajo Social de Costa Rica y documentos ...
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    • Rights:
      Copyright (c) 2021 Emancipação ;
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