نبذة مختصرة : Relatório de Estágio do Mestrado em Administração Público-Privada apresentado à Faculdade de Direito ; This internship report was carried out within the scope of the Master's in Public-Private Administration of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, regarding the curricular internship at the Municipality of Coimbra, more specifically, in the Investment and Fund Attraction Division (DCIF), between October 2023 and February 2024. The curricular internship arose from the need to integrate and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the academic training to the reality of Public Administration. This work seeks to understand and analyse the role of municipalities in the territorialization of housing policies in Portugal, especially in the current context offered by the RRP. From the analysis of the historical evolution of housing policies, from the 1974 Revolution to the New Generation of Housing Policies and, more recently, the housing component of the RRP, we seek, with this research, to understand the responsibility of municipalities in the dynamics of these policies, in particular, how the implementation of policies defined at the level of the central administration can depend on the action of local public decision-makers as well as to identify which models are which are inherent to the whole process. Currently, addressing housing dynamics and housing policies is a complex task, as we are facing a profound transformation both in the functioning of the markets and in the strategies adopted by the Public Administration to respond to the current housing crisis. In this new context that guides and regulates this sector, which is so important for society, two crucial levels of action can be distinguished: the central State, which is essentially responsible for ensuring the necessary means to guarantee the development of housing policies; and the municipalities that are assigned a role of great importance in the implementation of housing policies. ; O presente relatório de estágio foi realizado no ...
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