نبذة مختصرة : This dissertation proposed to analyze the book Canto mestizo (1999), by Graça Graúna, in order to study the indigenous cultural configurations as weavings of a transcultural process experienced in the indigenous diaspora. The poetic productions of this writer, daughter of the people from Potiguar, bringthe memories and the practices of the original peoples with in a movement of strengthening the cosmogonies, the relationships with nature, the orality, and the ancestral knowledge. In this work, we presented a general panorama of indigenous writing in Brazil, and studied the relationship between the cross-cultural identity formation of Graça Graúna, evident in her appropriation of literate culture, of canonical reading, for example, and the writing of poetry that values indigenous societies against the exclusion caused by the creation of certain social stereotypes. This text is based on the theories proposed by Stuart Hall, Daniel Munduruku, Márcia Kambeba, Ailton Krenak, Pierre Nora, Ángel Rama, Janice Cristine Thiél, Antonio Candido, and Michael Pollak, among other intellectuals. Finally, it is noteworthy that Graça Graúna contributes with her literature to the indigenous identity existence in several traditional and contemporary contexts. ; Pesquisa sem auxílio de agências de fomento ; Dissertação (Mestrado) ; Esta dissertação propõe a análise do livro Canto mestizo (1999), de Graça Graúna, com o objetivo de estudar as configurações culturais indígenas como tessituras de um processo transcultural vivenciado na diáspora indígena. As produções poéticas dessa escritora, filha do povo potiguar, trazem as memórias e as práticas dos povos originários dentro de um movimento de fortalecimento das cosmogonias, das relações com a natureza, da oralidade e dos saberes ancestrais. Neste trabalho, faz-se a apresentação de um panorama geral da escrita indígena no Brasil, bem como se estudam as relações entre a formação identitária transcultural de Graça Graúna, evidente na apropriação que faz da cultura letrada – da leitura ...
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