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Vrednotenje usmerjevalnih elementov v vpenjalnih pripravah ; Evaluation of positioning elements in machining fixtures

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Kalin, Mitjan
    • بيانات النشر:
      M. Prinčič
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      University of Ljubljana: Repository (RUJ) / Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      V vpenjalnih pripravah za obdelavo ulitkov se za pozicioniranje kosov uporablja sistem center smer, kjer zatiči v ohišju pravilno orientirajo kos v pripravi. Ker so ti zatiči in ohišja izpostavljeni stalnim pomikom pri konstantni obremenitvi, prihaja do obrabe le-teh in posledično tudi do zračnosti, kar povzroči napake med obdelavo kosa. Zato smo razvili model v programu Ansys za simulacijo obrabe v pozicionirnih sestavih in preverili, ali lahko z menjavo materialov izboljšamo življenjsko dobo zatičev. Razvili smo tudi testno pripravo za izvajanje preizkusov in preverili rezultate pridobljene v simulaciji. Ugotovili smo, da bi z menjavo materialov zatiča in ohišja lahko povečali življenjsko dobo pozicionirnega sestava in s tem zmanjšali stroške nastale zaradi zastojev in izmeta. ; In fixture systems for machining castings, a center-direction system is used for positioning the workpieces, where pins in the housing correctly orient the workpiece within the fixture. Since these pins and housings are subjected to constant motion under constant load, wear occurs, leading to play, which consequently causes errors during the machining of the workpiece. Therefore, we developed a model in Ansys to simulate wear in the pins and evaluated whether changing materials could improve the lifespan of the pins. We also developed a testing device to conduct tests and we verified the results obtained from the simulation. We found that by changing the materials of the pin and housing, we could increase the lifespan of the positioning assembly and thereby reduce costs associated with downtime and scrap.
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