نبذة مختصرة : Forests with the participation of European spruce which were planted before 1990 grow on an area of 76.6 hectares in Medobory Nature Reserve (0.9% of the land covered with forest vegetation). In the course of research the distribution of plantations was analysed by age classes with the derivation for each weighted average assessment indicators such as age, diameter, height, relative completeness, quality class, and stock. Plantations are found to grow in the first class of quality, but are characterized by low fullness, especially in old age, which, accordingly, affects the stock. Spruce growing in the reserve is damaged by a root sponge. The dynamics of the main indicators in eight trial areas is analysed. Plantations are characterized by high productivity, grow on the first and above the first quality, despite drying and falling of spruce, high-density, with significant reserves (338-462 m3/ha), and only thirty one-year old stands with a density of 0.6 have a reserve of 187 m3/ha. The dynamics of drying and shedding of spruce trees in the trial areas after adverse weather conditions occurring there respectively 60-100% and 35-77%, is shown. Instead, stands are formed by the type of native aboriginal species such as common oak (introduced artificially), hornbeam, maple, rough elm, etc. Derivative stands with a predominance of aspen were formed in two areas, which created preconditions for the further development of shade-tolerant species. A 66-year-old plantation with introduced red oak, which is not typical for the reserve, was formed in one trial area. Reforestation was recorded in all trial areas. The most restored species are considered to be maple, sycamore maple, rough elm; natural renewal observed from the beginning of observations in all age groups. A floristic list of plants is given and changes in the grass cover in the trial areas are analysed. The following components were subject to mathematical analysis: age, diameter, height, completeness, stock. According to the calculated value of the standard ...
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