نبذة مختصرة : In this article, according to the results of urbanagglomeration study of the Krasnodar Territory,they revealed global and local problems ofpassenger transport service market functioningand development affecting the quality oftransport services. A new classification ofpassenger transport services markets isproposed, which allows to differentiate andoptimize a route network in accordance with therequirements of consumer demand. Anintegrated approach has been formulated thatintegrates SWOT analysis and PEST analysis toolsinto a single coherent system that allows to takeinto account the global and the local aspects ofpassenger transport service market functioningand development to solve the problems ofmanagement in urban agglomerations. Thematrix model "CTON" ("Coordination of publictransport services") is developed, which includesa substantial part of SWOT and PEST analysistools, the use of which allows to identify thecomponents that affect an effective functioningand the development of PTS marketssystematically and purposefully. SWOT and PESTanalysis was carried out, on the basis of which thecomponents of KTON matrix were determinedand structured in the issue of various types ofmarkets for PTS functioning and developmentmanagement on the example of urbanagglomerations of the Krasnodar Territory. Theydeveloped universal script nomograms tooptimize a route network, taking into account theseasonal factor of PTS provision to the populationand allowing adjust the process of transportservices for population in a functional way on thebasis of a balance of benefits observation for allinterested parties-participants of PTS markets(Customer-Carrier-Consumer). They proposedan estimated economic-mathematical model, onthe basis of which an absolute integral economiceffect from a route network optimization isdetermined. ; En este artículo, de acuerdo con los resultadosdel estudio de aglomeración urbana del territoriode Krasnodar, revelaron los problemas globalesy locales del funcionamiento del mercado deservicios de transporte ...
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