نبذة مختصرة : An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. ; The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. ; PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 SORE HOURS: MUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . .8 AeMo to C P0M„ WEDNESDAY s.e8 AOM«, to 1 P.M. e.,.„SATURDAY ,.„.8 A.M8 to 7 P.M„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1970 MAGRATH, ALEERTAc i - tailored and , ^85 to DRY GOODS DEPT GOWNS ' Lovely Nylon Tricot Nightgowns in a Plenty of room, full gathered yoke» and ribbon trim« Assorted colors in number of pleasing styles Daintyllace, embroidery ED LT pastel shades«, FROM«,.«,.'-' FIGURED BRUSHED NYLON : Floral printed - white PYJAMAS Cozy Flannelette Pyjamas in two piece styles gathered yoke« Figured in assorted colors» launder well« SIZES: S. M„ L.„ PRICED FROM . with green8 y 95 | HAND TOOLED HANDBAGS I Keep these handsome hand Looled leather Handbags in mind for I Christmas, A good selection in assorted floral designs, some f with Deer and Horse tooling f Girls, Misses and.Ladies nt 1N tf tf I II«111II i Hili >Ht tttlltl'il r >rr«j 111 if JHf i > H11 . Styles for See them soon, .'iiniMuuHhmnnnitHHnHHHihHiiiunbiHiHHiiiiiuiiiiiitt SHEET SALE Perma-Press floral printed double bed size SHEETS - flat and fitted«, /iAQ REGULAR $5.99 MATCHING PILLOW I CASES - floral print I ed(, REGULAR $2.69 NEW BLUE BRECK SHAMPOO - can be used in Protects and toned shades. Makes good as color makes it ?•••■•••.$1.39 _ Roll on, anti perspir- ! ant, stops odour 24 hours,., New delightful fragrance., $L«29 ' KINDNESS HAIR SPRAY: For netting your hair with electric curlers«. Super curl power. . Head activated conditioner«, $2,00 & $2O75 ■ SEE THE MW ARRIVALS IN WINTER GLOVES I . iiihO1 uiiuiuP'Uini .i num any water, even the hardest„ blonde, lightened your hair feel as look«, LARGE SIZE DRYAD DEODORANT: MAGRA I H TRADING CO! ,'PANY LTD. PRICED FROM __SEMI DRESS rA ini its Vuork Boo is t 9" plain brown leather work boot with light weight ...
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