نبذة مختصرة : This article aims to discuss the education offered in Postgraduate Anthropology Programs (PPGA) via the documentary mapping of the “classics” indicated in the theoretical mandatory subjects of the master's degree. The scope of the research brought together the survey of two thousand and eighty-two titles indicated in Classics I and II at UnB over the years 1972-2019, and nine hundred titles that make up the syllabi of related subjects in twenty PPGA in Brazil. By analyzing this set of data, we aim to contribute to the debate surrounding the education of Brazilian anthropologists through special attention to documents, in which the notion of classic assumes materiality over the decades based on works and authors. Despite the growing disputes – in our country and elsewhere – around which authors and works should or should not be included in mandatory subjects, the document mapping process highlighted institutionalized regularities in the inclusions and exclusions of authors and works in the various PPGA in our country. From this perspective, we seek, on the one hand, to advance the understanding of the context in which this debate has taken place more recently; on the other, reflect on the use of the metaphors of “lineages”, “ancestors” and “founding fathers” to think about intellectual and theoretical ties considered central to the disciplinary field and the anthropological training of neophytes. Finally, we outline some interpretative possibilities considering the relevance of the anthropology teaching experience. ; Este artigo objetiva discutir a formação obrigatória ofertada nos Programas de Pós-graduação de Antropologia (PPGA) via o mapeamento documental dos “clássicos” indicados nas disciplinas obrigatórias teóricas do mestrado. O escopo da pesquisa reuniu o levantamento de dois mil e oitenta e dois títulos indicados em Clássicos I e II na UnB ao longo dos anos de 1972-2019, e novecentos títulos que compõem as ementas de disciplinas correlatas em vinte PPGA no Brasil. Ao analisar esse conjunto de dados ...
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