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Skrb za storilca družinskega nasilja : diplomsko delo ; CARING FOR THE OFFENDER FAMILY VIOLENCE

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Krope, Srečko
    • بيانات النشر:
      B. Bilić
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Digital Library of University of Maribor / Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      V veliki večini javnost zahteva, da glavno vlogo pri reševanju nasilja v družini prevzame policija, ki naj prepreči nadaljevanje nasilnega vedenja in ukrepa zoper storilca. Prepusti naj ga tožilstvu, ki naj konkretno vodi postopek in doseže najvišjo možno kazen, in ga pripelje pred sodišče, ki pa tako ali tako sodi počasi in končno storilca oprosti ter ga vrne v domače okolje, kjer ponovno ogroža domače. Tako pride do začaranega kroga. Z obravnavo teme bomo ugotovili, da je potrebno storilcu jasno sporočiti, da je njegovo dejanje nesprejemljivo in da mora zanj odgovarjati. Da to dosežemo, je potrebno nuditi več pozornosti in konkretno pomoč žrtvam nasilja, to so največkrat žene in otroci, ter poiskati dolgoročne rešitve tako za žrtve kot za storilca. Pri tem pa ne zadostuje ukrepanje represivnih organov, za učinkovito reševanje nasilja v družini je potrebno pristopiti celostno, z vključitvijo vseh pristojnih ustanov. Diplomsko delo obravnava strokovno delo vladnih in nevladnih organizacij s storilcem družinskega nasilja, predvsem strokovno pomoč pri odpravi vzrokov njegovega nasilnega ravnanja kot tudi njegovo motiviranost za vključitev v program pomoči. Po uvodnem delu in obrazložitvi strokovnih pojmov smo predstavili normativno ureditev področja nasilja v družini. V nadaljevanju sledi poglavje, kjer smo predstavili osnovne naloge in vlogo policije pri reševanju nasilja v družini. V tem delu smo se osredotočili na individualni pristop policista, ki se odzove klicu na pomoč (neposredna intervencija) in represivno poseže v družinsko nasilje. Naslednje poglavje predstavlja delo s storilcem po izreku prepovedi približevanja, ki ga v Sloveniji pokrivata vladni sektor Centri za socialno delo in nevladne organizacije, ovire, s katerimi se strokovni delavci soočajo pri delu, samo sodelovanje organov in organizacij in drugo. Zadnje poglavje pa predstavlja programe za nenasilno komunikacijo pri nas in v tujini. ; The vast majority of the public demand that the Police should take the main role in tackling domestic violence and that they should also prevent the continuation of violent behavior and take action against the offenders. The prosecution should then lead the case correctly and thus reach the most severe sentence. Unfortunately, in some cases the procedures or trials are too slow and often the offenders are acquitted and returned into their domestic environment, where they continue to present a threat. This creates a vicious circle. By addressing this issues it becomes obvious that the offender should be given a clear message that such behaviour is unacceptable and that it should be punished. To accomplish this, it is necessary to give more attention and concrete help to the victims of violence, especially women and children, and find long term solutions for both, victims and perpetrators. This can not be achieved only through the work of the Police, but it requires an involvement of all competent institutions. The graduation thesis deals with the professional work of governmental and non-governmental organizations with perpetrators of domestic violence, particularly with the help that such organizations give to prevent or eliminate the causes of violent behaviour, as well as the motivation of the perpetrators to be included in such programmes. After the introduction and the presentation of technical terms the normative regulations of family violence are presented. Also, the basic functions and the role of the police in addressing domestic violence are presented. The focus is on the individual approach of the police officer who responds to the call of the victims (direct intervention) and thus repressively intervenes in domestic violence. The following chapter presents the work with the perpetrators after the imposition of a restraining order, which, in Slovenia, is covered by the government sector centers for social work and non-governmental organizations. Also, the problems with which the previously mentioned organizations must deal are presented, as well as the cooperation between them and the authorities. The final chapter presents programmes for non-violent communication at home and abroad.
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