نبذة مختصرة : The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution from precursor compounds to the total amount of selected PFASs in water and sludge from Swedish waste water treatment plants, as a supplemental to previous studies of two persistent PFAS-classes; perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) and perfluorosulfonic acids (PFSAs). Compound classes added in this study were fluorotelomer sulfonic acids (FTSAs), polyfluoroalkyl phosphoric acid esters (PAPs), perfluoroalkyl phosphonic and phosphinic acids (PFPAs, PFPiAs), perfluoralkane sulfonamides (FOSAs), and sulfonamido ethanols (FOSEs), and also the intermediates fluorotelomer unsaturated carboxylic acids (FTUCAs) and the stable transformation products fluorotelomer carboxylic acids (FTCAs). Three waste water treatment plants were included; Gässlösa (BorÃ¥s), Henriksdal (Stockholm) and UmeÃ¥. PFAS levels in sludge from 2012. 2014, and 2015, and in filtered effluent and influent water from 2015 are reported. Precursor compounds were detected in sludge and influent water from all three WWTPs. Levels of precursor compounds in sludge samples exceeded those of persistent PFASs. Increasing PFCA levels in the effluent water compared to the influent water was observed, especially for the short-chained PFCAs. Occurrence of precursor compounds in influent water and sludge indicate degradation of precursor compounds to persistent PFASs. ; Syftet med denna studie var att studera bidraget frÃ¥n föregÃ¥ngarämnen till den totala halten av PFAS i slam och vatten frÃ¥n svenska reningsverk, som komplettering till tidigare studier av persistenta PFAS-grupper bestÃ¥ende av perfluorkarboxylsyror (PFCAs) och perfluorsulfonsyror (PFSAs). De föregÃ¥ngarämnen som ingick i denna studie var fluortelomersulfonsyror (FTSAs), polyfluorerade fosfatestrar (PAPs), perfluorfosfonater och perfluorfosfinater (PFPA, PFPiA), sulfonamider (FOSAs), sulfonamidetanoler (FOSEs) samt intermediärer (omättade fluorotelomersyror, FTUCAs) och stabila transformationsämnen (fluorotelomersyror, FTCAs). De ...
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