نبذة مختصرة : This is the final draft, after peer-review, of a manuscript published in Eurasian Geography and Economics. The published version is available online at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15387216.2020.1779773 ; This commentary positions the Taiwanese response to COVID-19 in the larger geopolitical arena. It explores the politicized nature of the global pandemic through Taiwan’s relations with the US, China, the World Health Organization, and Southeast Asia, and reflects on the politico-economic environment Taiwan has to navigate post COVID-19. Discussion shows that the emergence of Taiwan as an exceptional entity in the containment of the virus is very much predicated on the failings of China and the US in their roles as world leaders. Moreover, as much as China needs Taiwan for its nationalistic narratives, the US is dependent on a defiant Taiwan to stall China’s progress in threatening its global hegemon status. However, despite scoring a geopolitical home run in its engagement with COVID-19, Taiwan is by and large a pawn in Sino-US relations. The commentary postulates that the political future of Taiwan is likely to be determined by geopolitical externalities beyond its control. Taiwan should not be too carried away by its success in balancing the US-China tightrope hitherto. So long as Taiwan remains a pawn in the contestation of global power between China and the US, its leaders have to tread carefully as to its future options.
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