نبذة مختصرة : EDITORIAL Passport for Home, Wilbur W. Brannon HOLINESS Definite Holiness Preaching, Morris Chalfant HOLINESS CLASSICS Holiness Teaching—New Testament Times to Wesley, by Paul Merritt Bassett, J. Kenneth Grider TODAY’S BOOKS FOR TODAY’S PREACHERS A Dangerous Hope, Derl G. Keefer PREACHER’S EXCHANGE CHURCH MUSIC Hymn Story of the Month—Part Four, Keith Schwanz; A Tight Squeeze, Donna G. Kelley; How I Taught Children to Sing—When I Couldn’t Carry a Tune, Lois Hoadley Dick FEATURES The Sticky Question of Denominational Loyalty, Richard S. Taylor; Go On to Maturity, William Tucker; Church of the Solid Rock, Joseph M. Stowell CHURCH ADMINISTRATION How to Hire Staff Members Without Getting an Infection, Gene Grate A VIEW OF THE LIGHTER SIDE A Penny for Your Thoughts . . . No, Make That $1.95 per Minute, Michael Duduit SOCIAL CONCERNS The Atheistic Worldview of Sigmund Freud, Armand Nicholi Jr. PREACHING The Message They Receive May Surprise You, Jeffrey Warren Scott; Learning to Teach from the Master Teacher, Theodore G. Kass PASTORAL CARE When Death Comes Calling, Laurie Lechlitner COUNSELING The Case for Premarital Counseling, Victor M. Parachin CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Saying Yes or Saying No?, Helen Mueller; Faithful in a Few Things, Bruce T. Ballast MISSIONS Four Questions That Determine Forever for a Lost World, Merrill Williams PASTOR’S PERSONAL GROWTH The Lingering Effect of Leaving the Garden, John Conlon; Preventing Clergy Burnout, J. Grant Swank Jr. PASTOR, BE ENCOURAGED Refuel the Heart, C. Neil Strait MINISTER’S MATE Released from Prison, Betty Thompson PASTOR’S PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Tune Up, Muriel Larson STEWARDSHIP Smart Investing: “Buy Low†with Dollar Cost Averaging, Board of Pensions and Benefits PICTURE WINDOWS FOR PREACHING, Compiled by Derl G. Keefer WORSHIP AND PREACHING HELPS, Lyle Pointer/Tim Pusey/Mike Barton HIGHPOINT, Ronald Blake ; https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/1692/thumbnail.jpg
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