نبذة مختصرة : TEZ8648 ; Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2011. ; Kaynakça (s. 342-361) var. ; xxi, 399 s. ; 29 cm. ; The main purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of the classroom teachers and prospective teachers about their competencies for teaching critical thinking. In line with this main objective, their opinions were taken about conceptualization of critical thinking, teaching critical thinking and competencies in teaching period, competency of the primary education programs for teaching critical thinking and contribution of pre-service teacher training to teaching critical thinking. In the study that was conducted with phenomenology pattern that is one of the qualitative study patterns, the main fact was the competency perceptions of teachers and prospective teachers about teaching critical thinking. In order to analyze the opinions of the participants in depth and multi-dimensionally, interview method was preferred in data collection period. The study group was composed of 35 classroom teachers working in the central districts of Adana and 35 prospective classroom teachers studying in the fourth grade of classroom eacher department of Faculty of Education, Çukurova University. These teachers and prospective teachers were selected using the criterion sampling method. The semi-structured interview form prepared by the researcher was used in data collection, and content analysis technique was used in the analysis of data. As a result of the data analysis, it was seen that classroom teachers and prospective teachers explain critical thinking under intellectual skepticism, information interpretation and justification, multi-perspective and independent thinking concepts also stated in the related literature. ; Bu araştırmanın genel amacı; sınıf öğretmenleri ve öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünmenin öğretimine yönelik yeterlik algılarının belirlenmesidir. Bu genel amaç doğrultusunda katılımcıların; eleştirel düşünmenin kavramsallaştırılmasına, eleştirel düşünmenin öğretimine ve ...
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