نبذة مختصرة : Information on regional integration in ACP countries is widely scattered. And it is not easy to find documents which offer an up-to-date picture of this very topical issue. But the on-line study Processes of regional economic integration serves as a good first step if you want to understand the mechanisms involved and how these processes developed. After that, if you want to find out more, you can search by region. The website of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat presents data on the different regional trade agreements in force in the Pacific. For the Caribbean, the simplest way to find this information is to consult the websites of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and that of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), both of which are regularly updated. For Africa, where there are a number of regional trading blocs, several websites give visitors a broader view of these groups. The website of the African Union is a useful site and offers links to the various blocs. For a quick overview, try the website of The Hub, a CTA partner, which briefly outlines the main regional organisations. These are clearly mapped out on Africa Renewal, the website for the Africa Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information. The website of West African Borders and Integration (Sahel and West Africa Club/OECD) presents concrete examples of integration in the field, an aspect which is often lacking in institutional sites. It also offers access to a number of reports and documents on other African regions. Finally, extensive information on the role of regional integration in negotiations for the Economic Partnership Agreements with the EU are available on CTA s regularly updated Agritrade website. For further information: African Union www.africa-union.org/home/welcome.htm Agritrade http://agritrade.cta.int/ CARICOM www.caricom.org The Hub http://www.hubrural.org/accueil_en.php?lang=en Map of Africa s regional economic groups www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/vol16no2/ map.pdf OECS ...
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