نبذة مختصرة : Teaching Computer Science while confined generally to undergraduate courses and postgraduate, are rare reports of schools working computational concepts in basic education, even if this is a trend that speaks to the pedagogical concepts today. Investing in this field becomes a challenge for graduates in Computer Science. A viable alternative is the use of the proposed Computer Science Unplugged (BELL e FELLOWS, 2006) that features a set of activities whose goal is to insert the computer science in a creative and innovative in the school environment. Based on these activities adapted to the proposal of one of the activities in the form of a digital game. Digital games can be motivating gear in a teaching-learning of the concepts related to the great field of computing, and provide principles and skills fundamental to the individual in contemporary society. Therefore, this work proposes to discuss the teaching of computing in basic education and describes the process of developing a digital game aimed at teaching of computing for the public child from the age of nine. For this it was necessary to conduct research that would help in understanding the context in which the game is set, and the organization of the stages of development. Currently the game has a trial version and it is intended that future work as it passes through a review process with the target audience. ; O ensino da Computação enquanto Ciência se restringe de modo geral a cursos superiores e pós-graduação. São raros os relatos de escolas que trabalhem os conceitos computacionais na educação básica, mesmo que essa seja uma tendência que dialoga com as concepções pedagógicas da atualidade. Investir neste campo torna-se um desafio para os licenciados em Ciência da Computação. Uma alternativa viável é a utilização da proposta Computer Science Unplugged (BELL e FELLOWS, 2006) que apresenta um conjunto de atividades cujo objetivo é inserir a ciência da computação de forma criativa e inovadora no ambiente escolar. Baseado nestas atividades adaptou-se a ...
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