نبذة مختصرة : Petai is a native plant in Ibru Village, but now there are only 3 trees, two of which are still in production but limited because they are old, not fertilized, this plant contributes greatly to family income. For rejuvenation, seedlings from seeds take six years to bear fruit, to buy grafting plant or side grafting is expensive. Based on this, assistance was carried out on how to produce healthy petai seedlings with a shorter time, namely by cleft grafting and grafting, to increase growth the media was given fertilizer from the decanter cake, and sprayed with liquid fertilizer with basic material from decanter cake. The solid decanter in the process uses bio decomposer, when will be used it is mixed with Mycorrhiza sp. propagule, zeolite, rock phosphate and humid acid, which can prevent disease transmission, help absorb water and add nutrients to plants. Around the village of Ibru there are two palm oil mills. From all the waste of palm oil mill the most easily transported and decomposed is decanter cake. This waste with certain treatment can be used as organic fertilizer. Mentoring was carried out at KT Tunas Makmur I and KT Tunas Makmur II, to make solid decanter fertilizer and liquid fertilizer. The decanter cake that has been fermented is used as fertilizer in demonstration plot nurseries. The results of the activity show that each farmer group can perform cleft grafting and solid and liquid fertilizers. Every 2 months, farmers produce 100 kg of solid decanter cake and 50 liters of liquid fertilizer per month. The results of the activity show that the response of farmers is high based on the number of people present, especially during cleft grafting assistance.Abstrak Tanaman petai adalah tanaman asli di Desa Ibru, namun sekarang hanya ada 3 pohon, dua yang masih produksi namun terbatas karena sudah tua, tidak ada perawatan sedangkan tanaman ini kontribusinya besar dalam penghasilan keluarga. Untuk peremajaan, bibit dari biji membutuhkan waktu enam tahun untuk berbuah, untuk membeli bibit hasil ...
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