نبذة مختصرة : POLISH DEEP STRUCTURE CARTOGRAPHY AND PERSPECTIVES OF ITS DEVELOPMENTSummaryRecently, the amount of materials illustrating the structure of the earth's crust has considerably increased. Part of these materials deals with various elements of surface structure. Here belong mainly geological surveys and geologic and geotechnic maps and others. Greater part, however, can be referred to the deep structure of the earth's crust. So an ample material is an effect of application of geophysical methods in the researches, and of numerous drillings. As an example may serve here the geological research works made in Poland, where the amount of geophysical measurements increased in the last 15 years almost eightfold, drillings increasing fourfold. Ample materials obtained by these methods and observations concerning the earth's structure at various depths require various analyses and interpretation of facts. Spatial, graphical comparison of results, i.e. cartographical elaborations of various types on various scales, is one of the useful methods of work here. Long since we observe remarkable development of cartography that illustrates various elements and problems of deep-lying strata in the earth's crust. Thousands of various geologic maps have been issued in numerous countries. In Poland, cartographical works resulted in over 600 sheets of published maps, illustrating the deep geological structure of the country. However, so far no synthesis has been elaborated as concerns the achievements in this domain in Poland. In connection with the increasing significance of such elaborations, it seems to be purposeful to present a review of the previous Polish publications concerning this problems, and then, with reference to the classic, methodical elaborations of other countries, to discuss critically the problem of cartography, and to define the ways of its further development, especially as concerns the cartography that is rarely termed deep structure cartography. This notion was introduced by K. Guzik (1968) to make a difference ...
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