نبذة مختصرة : The present study aims to analyze the explanatory effects of socioeconomic, demographic, and political indicators on the indexes of public transparency in the municipalities of the Rio Grande do Norte State. To achieve this goal, a survey was initially conducted in the electronic portals of the municipalities to verify compliance with the requirements of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and the Access to Information Law. With this, gauging a municipal public transparency index (ITPM) that served as a reference for the analysis of the effects of the explanatory indicators. Thus, regarding the methodology, the present research is classified as descriptive, with a bibliographic procedure and data collection, and with a quantitative approach, by using the linear regression technique. The sample was composed of 74 municipalities from the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Potiguares), and five variables were used to analyze the indicators: Total Population, Budget Revenue, FIRJAN Municipal Development Index, Schooling and Party Affiliation of the municipal manager. The results obtained show that the municipalities of the Rio Grande do Norte State, disclose more than half of the expected items, reaching an ITPM with an overall average of 71.72%. Furthermore, the regression results showed statistically significant explanatory effects on the schooling of the municipal manager and the ITPM of the municipalities. Thus, this research intends to contribute to the improvement of the quality of information to provide better public transparency to society. ; O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos explicativos de indicadores socioeconômicos, demográficos e políticos sobre os índices de transparência pública dos municípios do Rio Grande do Norte. Para o alcance desse objetivo, foi inicialmente realizado um levantamento nos portais eletrônicos dos municípios com o intuito de verificar o cumprimento dos quesitos exigidos pela Lei da Responsabilidade Fiscal e Lei de Acesso à Informação. Com isto, aferindo um índice de ...
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