نبذة مختصرة : The article is considered to study the polyphony of text as one of the communicative features of Nouveau ronan’s cognitive-narrative scenarios formation. Francophone artistic discourse of Nouveau roman’s period is considered as the world's great dialogues that include on an equal rights voice of the narrator, character, reader, the other text that can trace polyphony perception at all stages of the text reading. Polyphony of Nouveau roman’s narration can be traced in pretext and text reading, it is realized both in semantic and syntactic levels. Perception of francophone artistic narrative as a kind of system which determines the voices of the characters, entering polyphony in the textual network, and review it as particular foundation, which helps to build the narrative structure of the text. Polyphonic novel bases on dialogical thinking, which is logically distanced from traditional thinking, it bases also on principles of analogy, relational connections, contrasts, ambivalence. Polyphonic literature, namely Nouveau roman’s artistic discourse, arises entirely dialogic, because dialogic relationship exist between all elements of novelistic structure. References Bakhtin, Mikhail. 2001. “Problema Tekstu u Linhvistytsi, Filolohii ta Inshykh Humanitarnykh Naukakh”. InAntolohiia Svitovoi Literaturno-Krytychnoi Dumky Dvadtsiatoho Stolittia, edited by Mariia Zubrytska, 416422. Lviv:Litopys. Eco, Umberto. 2001. “Poetyka Vidkrytoho Tvoru”. In Antolohiia Svitovoi Literaturno-Krytychnoi DumkyDvadtsiatoho Stolittia, edited by Mariia Zubrytska, 525538. Lviv: Litopys. Zatonskii, Dmitrii.2000. Modernism i Postmodernism: Mysli ob Izvechnom Kolovrashchenii Iziashchnykh iNeiziashchnykh Iskusstv (оt Sochinitelia Umberto Eko do Proroka Ekklesiasta). Kharkiv: Folio. “Le Trésor de la Langue Française informatise”. Analyse Et Traitement informatique de la Langue Française.Université de Lorraine. http://atilf.atilf.fr/ Robbe-Grillet, Alain. 1958. La Jalousie. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit. Robbe-Grillet, Alain. 2001. La Reprise. ...
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