نبذة مختصرة : 1 v. (12 scores) ; 31 cm. The sunrise call, or Echo song.--Incantation upon a sleeping infant (Zunian lullaby).--Invocation to the Sun-God (Zunian lullaby).--Zuni lover's wooing, or Blanket song.--The coming of Montezuma (With great drum-reveille).--The festive sun dance of the Zunis.--The great rain dance of the Zunis.--Indian fire drill song.--Hymn to the sun.--Sunset song.--Kiowa Apache war dance (Instrumental).--Hunting song of the Cliffdwellers (Song and dance).--Apache medicine chant.--Two Zunian melodies. (a). Awakening at dawn (A processional chant). (b). Recall of the tribal hunters.--Midnight visit to the sacred shrines.
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