نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; This paper shows the full relevance of having a closerdialogue between the literatures on OI and MI thanis currently the case.Some encouraging and extremely interesting results have been reportedby MI research using the OI paradigm, and research on the organizationallevel of OI which echoes the MI literature. In particular, the literature on MI has examined the role of knowledge, experience and external agents in an outside-in perspective. The areas covered byMIresearch call for integration of the OI paradigm into the fieldof MI, to give ‘Open Management innovation’. In parallel, the literature on OI has called for reflection on organizationaldesign, structures, managerial practices in general and HR management in particular in order to manageopenness. However, the links highlighted remain weak, and the number of studies is low. Also, the summary proposedhere has shown their limitations and the need for replication or further investigation. Closer connections or a dialogue between the two fields of innovation management appears to be more than relevant and appropriate for their mutual enrichment. This studyhas identified promising and necessary research perspectives. More systematic discussions between these two communities could extend their respective boundaries and pave the wayfor a more integrative approach. This would give us an understanding of theconditions in which OI and MI respectively lead to other types of innovations, and what those types are, and in return how they feed and reinvent themselves in a recursive loop process.
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