نبذة مختصرة : This field study examined the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of onions (Allium cepa L.), specifically the Yemen (Hadramout) Red Onion Variety, at the Agriculture Faculty of Zamzam University of Science and Technology in Somalia during the beginning of the winter season in 2021. The experiment followed a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and three treatments: organic fertilizer (Chicken dung and Compost) at 100kg/ha, inorganic fertilizer (NPK and DAP) at 100kg/ha, and zero control (no fertilizer). The study aimed to identify the effects of these fertilizers on onion growth and yield production, as well as to determine their efficiency. Various parameters were measured, including plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, days to maturity, average bulb weight with leaves, average bulb weight without leaves, and yield (Kg/ha). The data were analyzed using MSTATC. Results showed significant differences among treatments, particularly in bulb weight with leaves (g), bulb weight without leaves (g), and yield (kg/ha). The second treatment (inorganic fertilizer at 100kg/ha) recorded the highest yield (5,624.667 kg/ha), while the lowest yield (2,416.167 kg/ha) was observed in the first treatment (Zero control). The third treatment (Organic control at 100kg/ha) recorded the highest number of leaves (4.943). In conclusion, the application of 100kg/ha of inorganic fertilizer (NPK and DAP) to the Yemen (Hadramout) Red Onion Variety in Somalia significantly increased both growth and yield.
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