نبذة مختصرة : The fight against terrorism and all its manifestations is a global challenge that requires constant coordination of the legal and practical aspects of international and national bodies. The relevant legal framework allows for the harmonized action of a range of actors against this serious crime. That is why it is not surprising that the European Union is constantly striving to improve the legal system in order to combat terrorism. In the first part of the paper, the author gives an overview of the criminal law framework in the fight against terrorism, especially the changes that have taken place in the very definition of terrorism and the expansion of terrorist activities. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the activities of the European Union in combating a specific modality of terrorism, bioterrorism, in the direction of reducing access to hazards and hazardous materials, ensuring greater preparedness in response to possible biological security risks, strengthening internal and external ties with key regional and international partners. increase knowledge of potential risks. Finally, the author gives an overview of the practical implications of terrorism on the territory of the European Union from Europol’s statistical indicators and the incidents regarding CBRN attacks. ; Borba protiv terorizma i svih njegovih pojavnih oblika globalni je izazov koji zahtijeva stalnu koordinaciju pravnog i praktičnog aspekta međunarodnih i nacionalnih tijela. Relevantan pravni okvir omogućava harmonizirano djelovanje niza aktera protiv tog teškog kaznenog djela. Zato i ne čude stalna nastojanja Europske unije za poboljšanjem pravnog sustava u cilju suzbijanja terorizma. Autor u prvom dijelu rada daje prikaz kaznenopravnog okvira u borbi protiv terorizma, osobito promjena koje su se dogodile u samoj definiciji terorizma te proširenju terorističkih aktivnosti. Drugi dio rada posvećen je aktivnostima Europske unije u suzbijanju jednog specifičnog modaliteta terorizma, bioterorizma, u smjeru smanjivanja pristupa rizičnim ...
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