نبذة مختصرة : Machala city known for produce and export banana, cocoa and shrimp, in this city we can find the complete trade chain in these products, therefore, it is visited by many people looking for investors who want to get involved in new business ideas, also the tourist potential allows many people to visit and be amazed by the impressive view of the sea, on the boardwalk beautiful of Puerto Bolívar. Considering the need to provide a comfortable, safe, quality lodging service with affordable prices in Machala, the preparation of this study was considered. The increase of visits to this city would be a consequence of the existence of a "Hostel" with a high standard of quality and customer service that allows boosting tourism and the economy of Machala. The main objective of this master’s Thesis (TFM) is to design a business plan that allows the implementation of a Hostel in Machala for executives and tourists who visit the city on any day of the week, they will enjoy the comfort and security after a long day of carry out their activities. This Hostel seeks to satisfy the needs of people who visit the city either for business or tourism and while they have the option of staying near the central area, a strategic place for better mobilization. Through an analysis of the external and internal environment (SWOT), marketing strategies, operations plan, organizational structure and financial plan, the good and positive viability of the proposed business model is determined. ; La ciudad de Machala produce y exporta banano, cacao, camarón y se dedica al comercio en general, por ende, es visitada por muchas personas que buscan inversionistas que deseen involucrarse en nuevas ideas de negocio, el potencial turístico permite que muchas personas la visiten y queden admirados por la impresionante vista al mar, en el malecón de Puerto Bolívar. Tomando en cuenta la necesidad de brindar un servicio de hospedaje cómodo, seguro, de calidad y con precios accesibles dentro de Machala, se consideró la elaboración del presente estudio. El ...
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