نبذة مختصرة : Achieving sustainable development requires holistically balancing economic growth, social welfare, and environmental sustainability. This paper presents a conceptual mathematical model integrating environmental economics theory and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to determine optimal sectoral investments for maximizing sustainability. The model combines nested CES production functions depicting complex economic interdependencies with constraints on emissions, resource depletion, and investments in human/infrastructure capital aligned with SDG targets. An optimization framework then reveals trade-offs across competing economic, social, and environmental priorities to guide sustainable policymaking. While theoretical, the integrated structure provides a foundation to formally assess the complex dynamics between development pathways, ecological limits, and human well-being. Extensions incorporating innovation processes, equity considerations, climate impacts, validation, and uncertainty could enable practical application to inform integrated investment planning and sustainability transitions. Overall, this model offers a launching point to quantitatively analyze the intricate connections between multifaceted aspects of sustainable development.
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