نبذة مختصرة : The release of domestic effluents without proper treatment has contributed to a series of environmental and human health problems. The treatment of these domestic effluents occurs through the basic sanitation system. Nevertheless these systems are inefficient or absent in several localities. Thus, the main objective of this work is to evaluate the water quality in the middle section of the Paraíba River-PB, in Curimatã Dam which is used for bathing by locals and tourists and before and after the confluence of the Bodocongó stream, which brings a lot of untreated sewage from Campina Grande, in order to evaluate the impact of the city of Campina Grande on the Paraíba River, in the stretch of Barra de Santana-PB. The criteria for choosing the study site were that it had a bathing area downstream from the confluence. This research was carried out between March and April 2022 and January, March and April 2023, collections were carried out in triplicate, always in the afternoon. For data analysis, the collected material was stored in polyethylene bottles, previously washed in hydrochloric acid, duly identified and taken to the UFPB Aquatic Ecology Laboratory for further analysis. According to the recorded results, the water quality variables indicated a degradation of the Paraíba River, specifically at the confluence of the Paraíba River with the Bodocongó Creek, confirming the negative impact of the city of Campina Grande on the water quality of the river. Paraíba, however, the river has self-purification capacity, improving in the dam area. Therefore, the characteristics of the water of the Paraíba River, paths in this work, point to the need for treatment of the waters of the Bodocongó Creek, and reduction of the organic load released in it, so that it is suitable for multiple uses and can offer ecosystem services that a river of this postage must prove. In this sense, it is necessary to use sustainable, efficient and low-cost technology to provide the depollution of the waters of the Paraíba River. The ...
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