نبذة مختصرة : The purpose of this essay is to examine how human rights are implemented in a municipal context. The essay is based on a case study of the City of Malmö and analyzes the work of the city office, the high school and adult education administration and the service administration in incorporating the city’s human rights policy into their respective operations. To analyze the administrations’ work with human rights, central concepts from neo-institutionalism, Lennart Lundquist’s three aspects for successful implementation and Michael Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucrats have been applied to the collected material. The collected material mostly consists of regulatory documents such as budget and operational plans, publications from SKR, public documents and previous research and literature on human rights in public administration. In addition, five interviews with civil servants from the various administrations have been conducted. The results show that the committees’ budgets contain political guidelines which are then concretized into focus goals and evaluated using indicators. The goals are specified in relation to indicators that make out an increase compared to previous years. Based on municipal council goals and goals set for the operation, the administrations make various contributions in the form of activities. Based on the interviews it emerged that there was a lack of understanding about how to work rights-based. At the same time, the human rights work was prioritized. With that in mind, my conclusion is that there is a certain inertia within the administrations. Due to reasons such as high workload and a lack of resources the human rights policy has not been able to be fully implemented in the investigated administrations, which reasonably indicates that a de-coupling from higher to lower levels of governance has occurred. ; Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur man i en kommunal kontext implementerar mänskliga rättigheter. Uppsatsen baseras paÌŠ en enfallsstudie av ...
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