نبذة مختصرة : The report provides guidance for environmental impact assessment (EIA) of future inland submerged mining projects. The study concluded that existing impact assessment principles are appropriate for inland submerged mining, however, topics and parameters will need to be site- and project-specific, with particular focus on hydrological connectivity to surrounding receptors. A conceptual parameter set is provided for impact assessment of inland submerged mining projects, informed by ¡VAMOS! deliverables D1.3 "Zero-state environmental and geo-hazard evaluation criteria" and D4.2 "Environmental Monitoring System", and supported by the operational observations acquired during the project mining trials. Recommendations are provided for sensor performance envelopes,the development required for adequate monitoring devices, and geological and hydrological modelling, in order to support appropriate water sampling designs,and suitable impact assessment considerations. Project DOI: https://doi.org/10.3030/642477 CORDIS web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/642477
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