نبذة مختصرة : The goal of this study was to provide data to support mineralization of fluoropolymer waste and insignificant generation of PFAS as products of incomplete combustion (PIC) during incineration of fluoropolymer applications at their end-of-life. Destruction efficiency is not an acceptable metric to indicate mineralization and therefore we need to look for and measure products of incomplete destruction. A mixed sample of fluoropolymers representing 80% of commercial Fluoropolymers was combusted at conditions representative of municipal and industrial waste incinerators operating in EU. State-of-the-art emission sampling and analytical methods (UPLC-MS/MS, GC-MS) were used for identifying and quantifying those PFAS whose standards were available. Statistical analysis of the results confirmed non-detect to negligible levels of PFAS evidencing mineralization of fluoropolymers.
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