نبذة مختصرة : Background: Male breast cancer is a rare entity, which is why there is little diffusion of its existence. Imaging studies have a very precise diagnostic value in these entities. The case: A 73-year-old male patient went to the office to notice the presence of raised red lesions in the right mammary region. 5 months ago he had violet erythematous nodules on a scar in the right mammary region, with a progressive increase in the number and size, asymptomatic. Mastectomy 11 years ago due to infiltrating ductal breast cancer, free surgical margins, follow-up by surgeon with normal annual ultrasound controls; acute myocardial infarction 5 months ago, on treatment with Aspirin 125mg / d, atorvastatin 40mg / d, clopidogrel 75 mg / d, losartan 50mg / d. AP Diagnosis: Cutaneous metastasis of moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Oncology evaluation is performed, CT scan with contrast of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis is requested, in addition to hormonal receptors. Conclusion: Breast cancer is still a rare and uncommon disease, this condition causes 1% of all breast carcinomas and less than 1% of malignant neoplasms in men, the predominant form of presentation is the tumor in the mammary region, with clinical characteristics that guide the diagnosis, we must take into account the importance of the skin in the diagnosis of internal neoplasms, the presentation of recurrence as a skin metastasis in a male is very little described in the literature. ; Introducción: El cáncer de mama masculino es una entidad poco frecuente, razón por la cual hay poca difusión de su existencia. Los estudios imagenológicos tienen un valor diagnóstico muy preciso en dichas entidades. Reporte de Caso: Paciente de sexo masculino de 73 años, acudió a consulta por percatarse de la presencia de lesiones rojas sobreelevadas en la región mamaria derecha. Hace 5 meses presenta nódulos eritematovioláceos sobre cicatriz en la región mamaria derecha, con aumento progresivo del número y tamaño, asintomáticos. Mastectomía hace 11 años por cáncer de mama ...
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