نبذة مختصرة : Background: The Australian Physiotherapy Association 2006 VBI Guidelines are used by many of the member organisations of IFOMPT. These Guidelines are due for revision incorporating recent research findings, international guides, and member's recommendations. Purpose: To identify and consider Australian musculoskeletal physiotherapists' recommendations to inform revision of the 2006 VBI Guidelines. Methods: Focus groups were conducted in the five larger Australian state capitals by an independent qualitative researcher and a subject expert. Qualitative data were collected from 41 musculoskeletal physiotherapists who were purposefully recruited for their broad range of experience and qualifications. The five stage Framework Analysis approach was used to analyse and interpret data. Results: Participants recommended that the revised Guidelines have a new title reflecting a broader risk assessment and management approach, encompassing both musculoskeletal and relevant cardio-vascular risks and informed by contemporary research evidence and clinical experience. Participants requested a positively worded stepwise guide to clinical reasoning for all cervical spine manual treatment scenarios including the process of gaining and recording consent. Participants advised on individual components of the Guidelines needing to be revised or removed. The revised Guidelines, once approved, need to be disseminated in written and electronic formats to all clinicians. Training and education are required to ensure appropriate uptake within and beyond the profession. Conclusions and implications: To ensure their clinical acceptance and utility, the Revised Guidelines need to reflect the current use and recommendations of musculoskeletal physiotherapists. Sound knowledge translation processes are then needed to ensure that the Guidelines are incorporated into practice.
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