نبذة مختصرة : This work brings together some reflections developed in various investigations about the problems linked to the very human need to open space for existence. On my master's thesis I have found in the Heideggerian term Open world a name for that matter. Included in the notion of Experimental Citizenships, I present a series of proposals for resistance to the city model as a hierarchy and marginalization structure that primarily serves the accumulation of wealth. Reflections and practices are developed here from research projects and artistic creation that contributed to highlighting gaps and contradictions of government and market instances when they seek to capture vital practices that are not limited to their values and interests. I introduce the problem of spatial displacement of the poor people in the capitalist cities from historical observations in images of the cities of Potosí and Paris. Next, I develop certain principles of being-in-the-world from the research-creation project The city as a matrix of territories, around self-built informal housing and the creation project Museo del Andén, where I expose how members of the working group we take advantage of artistic procedures as mediation strategies and activation of exchange relations derived from the informal economy in public spaces. At the end, the approach to the work Atlas of the center of Bogotá (2019), by the group of artists Colectivo Circular allows me to consolidate the notion of ‘experimental citizenships’ by bringing together features of its production process, dialogical and nomadic. ; El texto de este documento reúne reflexiones desarrolladas en varias investigaciones alrededor de problemáticas ligadas a la necesidad tan humana de abrir espacio para la existencia. Desde mi tesis de maestría hallé en el término heideggeriano Abrir mundo2 un nombre para ese asunto. Englobadas en la noción de Ciudadanías Experimentales, presento una serie de propuestas de resistencia al modelo de ciudad en tanto estructura de jerarquía y marginación que sirve ...
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