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Primjena zahtjeva norme ISO 17025:2017 u laboratoriju za mehanička ispitivanja ; Application of requirements of ISO 17025:2017 in the laboratory for mechanical tests

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Kondić, Živko
    • بيانات النشر:
      Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za strojarstvo.
      University North. University centre Varaždin. Department of Mechanical Engineering.
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Croatian Digital Theses Repository (National and University Library in Zagreb)
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Današnji moderan sustav proizvodnje i sirovine iz cijelog svijeta iziskuju učestalu kontrolu kvalitete definiranu od strane tržišta. Laboratoriji posjeduju svo potrebno znanje i posjeduju svu potrebnu opremu da mogu definirati razinu kvalitete. U diplomskom radu opisani su svi potrebni unutarnji i vanjski resursi za neometan rad laboratorija i sve potrebne aktivnosti za dobivanje akreditacije prema normi HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Također, u diplomskom radu opisana je mjerna nesigurnost i međulaboratorijske provjere koje imaju veliki utjecaj na kvalitetu rada laboratorija i samih ispitnih rezultata. Na kraju je napravljen kompletan proces jedne akreditirane metode od prijem uzoraka do izdavanja ispitnog izvještaja. ; Today's modern production system and raw materials from all over the world require frequent quality control defined by the market. Laboratories have all the necessary knowledge and have all the necessary equipment to be able to define the level of quality. The thesis describes all the necessary internal and external resources for the smooth operation of the laboratory and all the necessary activities for obtaining accreditation according to HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 norm. Also, measurement uncertainty and inter-laboratory checks, which have a great influence on the quality of laboratory work and the test results themselvs, are described in the thesis. In the end, the complete process of one accredited method was made, from receiving the samples up to the test report.
    • File Description:
    • Relation:;;
    • الدخول الالكتروني :
    • Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    • الرقم المعرف: