نبذة مختصرة : This paper analyses the regional disparities in GDP per capita in Spain during the period from 1955 to1998. A factoring of Theil’s index is held to reveal that the principal factor to any explanation would in thisbe regional inequalities. A shift-share analysis demonstrates that the less-developed regions’ lower productivityis not to be explained by a different productive structure but, rather, by their lower productivity in allsectors. Given the positive relationship that exists between endowment with certain types of capital and subsequentproductivity, an analysis was undertaken of regional endowment and disparity in the same as to infrastructure,this along with both human and technological capital being taken into account. In generalterms, this makes apparent that the least-endowed regional economies have lower productivity rates. Theseresults when coupled with the foreseeable increase in territorial imbalances that EU enlargement willbring about, indicate that any cohesion policy had best continue to concentrate on the regions and be aimedat promoting the decisive factors involved in any real convergence. ; El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las disparidades regionales en PIB per cápita de Españaen el periodo 1955-1998. La descomposición del índice de Theil muestra que las desigualdades regionalesen productividad serían el principal factor explicativo. El análisis shift-share indica que la menor productividadde las regiones menos desarrolladas no se justifica por una estructura productiva diferente, sinopor una menor productividad en todos los sectores. Dada la relación positiva entre la dotación de determinadostipos de capital y la productividad, se analizan las dotaciones regionales y sus disparidades de infraestructuras,capital humano y tecnológico. En general, se observa que las economías regionales peor dotadasregistran productividades más bajas. Estos resultados, junto con el previsible incremento de losdesequilibrios territoriales que motivará la ampliación comunitaria, indican que la política de ...
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