نبذة مختصرة : Our research work in this thesis draws its genesis from an interest in the literature dealing with the sector and the global value chain associated with the New Structural Economy. In a development process, Cameroon's timber sector is part of the global value chain. Several institutional and economic actors intervene not without difficulty in the development and industrialization stakes of Cameroon. This work mobilizes the theoretical references of the sector, the governance and the global value chain to deepen the analysis on the sectorial structural transformation of a developing country. The purpose of this work is to analyse the contribution of the wood sector to the sectoral development of the Cameroonian economy in view of studying an axis of industrialization appropriate for this sector, based on the New Structural Economy. We will use the theoretical benchmarks of the sector, the governance and the global value chain to deepen the analysis on the sectoral structural transformation of a developing country. Developing countries such as Cameroon lean on the exploitation and the export of raw materials to develop their economy. This document proposes a different strategy for the whole sector of wood. The country has an important forest potential but technical skills are missing. The necessary structural transformation calls for a new sector-based economic model more complete for the country. The result expected by our work is a Cameroon's wood sector combined with the global forest-wood value chain set in motion by a proactive governance. ; Notre travail de recherche dans cette thèse tire sa genèse d'un intérêt pour la littérature traitant de la filière et de la chaîne de valeur globale associés à la Nouvelle Economie Structurelle. Dans un processus de développement, la filière bois du Cameroun s'insère dans la chaîne de valeur globale. Plusieurs acteurs institutionnels et économiques interviennent non sans mal dans les enjeux de développement et d'industrialisation du Cameroun. Ce travail a pour objet ...
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